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Geometry and Form

Architectural Design Elements and Principles

The first assignment for AD1. We have to pick one ordering principle and all of the primary elements that we learnt during the lecture to create a 10x10x10 cm model. The ordering princple that I picked was rhythm.

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Tattoo Stamps

Structure & Body

Material, Anthropometric and Ergonomic Exploration

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Assignment 2 is a continuation from assignment 1 that uses the pattern from the first part of assignment 1 to discover different kinds of design principle and ultimately to create a bamboo structure based on a real life scaling according to the theme which was assigned to us, celebration. The assignment was separated into 2 parts, both are group assignments. The first part of assignment 2 was us forming a small group to design a bamboo modelbased on a scale of 1 to 20. The main idea was using a parabolic shape to create a structure on the roofs.Then benches was design based on our client, old folks, for them to have a seat when they are done dacning in in the structure. The principle elements for the model is repetition.

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First Part


Second Part

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Space & Sensory

Self Exploration through Spaces

Assignment 3 is a continuation from assignment 2 that uses the pattern and theme from the second assignment to create a model based on a scale of 1:10. The model that I created is a nightclub which relates to the theme, celebration.

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Throughout this semester, what I've learnt is the importance of problem solving,  critical and creative thinking skills, communication skills and personal competencies as they are the crucial factors that needed me to master in order to achieve well in my assignments as well as personal developments.

The TGC 2 helped me though the first assignment as I have to choose a principle elements to start with and to make sure that it is not too challenging for me. For the third TGC, it helped me thorughout my whole second assignment as it is a group assignment as communication is the key to success in any group projects especially when everyone is good at different things, work should be assigned to those who are good in their respective territorise to produce the most excellent work. The fifth TGC helped me in my third assignment as it aided me in developing my time management skkill for me to not go over the due date. With all that being said, I still have to work on my creativity as I am well aware that I am not a very innovative person and I can improve my creativity through looking through all those amazing and fantastic architecture bulding and structures all around the world on the internet as well as some architecture mazagines.

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